Wednesday, June 19, 2024

2023 festbier

Festbier has become one of my favorite beer styles in recent years and I generally prefer it over the Marzen beers, which are more common, though I still hold special regard for Sam Adams Octoberfest. This was the second beer brewed with the Omega Oktoberfest yeast. Based on a recipe I came up with in 2020, it was good but was a little harsh. I am not sure what to attribute the harshness to, so I feel somewhat cautious about rebrewing it, but maybe it came down to something in my brewing process that day or maybe the hops had a higher AA than I was told. I had used very old Galena hops to add some bitterness, and there was a slight harshness even before pitching yeast. 


8.5 lbs Weyermann Pils
1 lb Munich light
.25 lb Melanoidin

1 oz Tettnanger (2.2 AA) 60 minutes
.2 oz Galena (16 AA) 60 minutes
1 oz Tettnanger (2.2 AA) 20 minutes

1.055 OG
27.85 IBU
Actual FG 1.012

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